يعد برنامج صلاتى من افضل تطبيقات الاندرويد التى تذكرك بمواعيد الصلاه وذلك لأن هذا التطبيق به مميزات عديده منها
يعد برنامج صلاتى من افضل تطبيقات الاندرويد التى تذكرك بمواعيد الصلاه وذلك لأن هذا التطبيق به مميزات عديده منها
1- مواقيت الصلاه لا تحتاج الى تعديل كما فى تطبيقات اخرى
2- به خاصيه عمل الموبايل صامت تلقائيا بعد الاذان
3- به بوصله لتحديد اتجاه القبله
4- اظهار الوقت المتبقى بين كل صلاه
5- التذكير بكل صلاه قبل الأذان
6- القدرة على وضع اذان خاص بك
7- التذكير بمواعيد الفجر والسحور
8- التاريخ الميلادى والهجرى ويمكن التحويل بينهما
9- يمكن التعديل على الاوقات يدويا
10- به لغتين اللغه العربيه واللغه الانجليزيه
11- به لونين الابيض والاسود
والكثيير من المميزات التى يحتاجها اى شخص واكتشف بنفسك الامكانيات الاخرى الموجوده فى التطبيق
This app calculates Muslims prayer times using the phone's location (latitude and longitude) based on different conventions.
Application Features:
- A widget that shows today's prayers times.
- A horizontal widget the shows a time bar between the previous and next prayer.
- Notification for each prayer and Iqamah reminders, with the ability to adjust their times.
- Ability to select notification tone (Athan) from the SD card.
- Switching the phone to silent automatically during prayer times, with settings for each prayer.
- Finding the location automatically using Network or GPS, or manually by searching in the Internet.
- A Compass to show the Qibla direction.
- Fajr (and Sahoor) Alarm, and it can be configured from Settings.
- A Date Converter, to convert Hijri to Gregorian and vice versa, and calculate the prayers for that date.
- Ability to adjust prayer times manually.
- Can be used in both languages, English or Arabic, and with two colors, White or Black.
Implemented Calculation Methods:
1- Umm Al Qura University
2- Muslim World League
3- University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi
4- Egyptian General Authority of Survey
5- Islamic Union of North America
6- Union of Islamic Organisations in France
7- Angle Based Method
App Permissions:
- Location: to get the location and calculate prayer times for it.
- Files & Media: to be able select MP3 ringtons form the SD card, and store a backup of the app settings.
- Network Access: to get the location’s name, and perform a manual location search.
For more information check the Info page from the option menu in the application.
For bug reports (or bugs on specific devices), and features requests please email us.
More features will be added later.
Application Features:
- A widget that shows today's prayers times.
- A horizontal widget the shows a time bar between the previous and next prayer.
- Notification for each prayer and Iqamah reminders, with the ability to adjust their times.
- Ability to select notification tone (Athan) from the SD card.
- Switching the phone to silent automatically during prayer times, with settings for each prayer.
- Finding the location automatically using Network or GPS, or manually by searching in the Internet.
- A Compass to show the Qibla direction.
- Fajr (and Sahoor) Alarm, and it can be configured from Settings.
- A Date Converter, to convert Hijri to Gregorian and vice versa, and calculate the prayers for that date.
- Ability to adjust prayer times manually.
- Can be used in both languages, English or Arabic, and with two colors, White or Black.
Implemented Calculation Methods:
1- Umm Al Qura University
2- Muslim World League
3- University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi
4- Egyptian General Authority of Survey
5- Islamic Union of North America
6- Union of Islamic Organisations in France
7- Angle Based Method
App Permissions:
- Location: to get the location and calculate prayer times for it.
- Files & Media: to be able select MP3 ringtons form the SD card, and store a backup of the app settings.
- Network Access: to get the location’s name, and perform a manual location search.
For more information check the Info page from the option menu in the application.
For bug reports (or bugs on specific devices), and features requests please email us.
More features will be added later.
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0 تعليق على موضوع : تطبيق صلاتى My Prayer 2015
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