Amazing Candle
اللعبة الشهيرة لخداع اصدقائك
اللعبة الشهيرة والافضل لعبة اطفاء الشمعة
تقوم اللعبة على خداع اصدقئك عن طريق وضع اصبعك على الشاشة وجعل احد اصدقائك يقوم بأطفئها
هذة خدعة جميلة جدا ومسلية للكبار والصغار
لعبة اطفاء الشمعة تعد من افضل العاب الاندرويد فهى مجانية والتحميل برابط مباشر
Amazing Candle
Amazing Candle is a fun FREE app that lets you create a real candle in your phone!
It’s the most photo-realistic candle that you can control: flick to ignite the flame, flick again to close. Repeat until stress is relieved.
You could blow out or blow on the candle by holding the microphone up to your mouth – or – swipe your finger up and down to light the candle.
Features of Amazing Candle:
real flame
flick to ignite and to extinguish
blow out or blow on the candle
safe for kids
particle smoke
endless loop plays forever
It’s the most photo-realistic candle that you can control: flick to ignite the flame, flick again to close. Repeat until stress is relieved.
You could blow out or blow on the candle by holding the microphone up to your mouth – or – swipe your finger up and down to light the candle.
Features of Amazing Candle:
real flame
flick to ignite and to extinguish
blow out or blow on the candle
safe for kids
particle smoke
endless loop plays forever
Size : 1.7M
Current Version : 3.0
Current Version : 3.0
Requires Android : 2.1 and up
للتحميل من جوجل بلاى اضغط هـــــــــــنـــــــا
For downloading from Google Play Click here
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