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لعبه اختبر ذكائك Test intelligence
تعد العاب اختبار الذكاء من الالعاب التى تكون مسليه جدا الى جانب انها تنمى العقل وتجعله سريع التفكير لذا قم بتحميل هذة اللعبة اتكون من افضل الاشخاص الذين يحلون المشاكل بسرعه جدا كالبرق

حاول ان تقوم بتخطى الـ1000 سؤال وسيكون ذكى جدا لأنه يوجد اسئله محيرة جدا فى هذا البرنامج حاول ان تحلها بعقلك فأذا قمت بحل هذة الاسئلة دون ان يكون هناك سؤال خطأ فاعتبر نفسك من طبقه المثقفين الاذكياء انه طبيق صغير الحجم ولكن مليء بالمعلومات التى تفيد الانسان فى حياته العمليه
To skip class and 100 were all replies sahih Vhenneo the first time you are one of the intellectual class android
A small application size .. full of public cultural questions that may arise at any time, try to answer them and you will see the end, what remains is a wide range of public information android.
Application in the wide range of questions and you have to respond to them as "true" or "error" based on their response contains increase your score.
Test yourself and challenge your friends this application.
Questions renewed between each period to another.
Participated application and values so that everyone benefits.
A small application size .. full of public cultural questions that may arise at any time, try to answer them and you will see the end, what remains is a wide range of public information android.
Application in the wide range of questions and you have to respond to them as "true" or "error" based on their response contains increase your score.
Test yourself and challenge your friends this application.
Questions renewed between each period to another.
Participated application and values so that everyone benefits.
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