اجمل ثيمات خاصه بالاندرويد
يعد هذا الثيمث من افضل واجمل الثيمات التى تجعل لهاتفك الجمال والروعه لما يحتوى عليه من اشكال تجعل هاتف ينطلق الى العالم بجماله واناقته فهو مجهز وعالى لدرجهة كبيرة جدا فوق الخيال

تم تصميم هذة الايقونات لتعطى لهاتفك الجمال والروعه فيوجد اكثر من 310 ايقونه ومتجدده كل يوم حيث يحتوى هذا الثيمث على مكتبه ضخمه من الايقونات التى يحتاجها كل شخص لتجعل هاتفك اكثر من رائع لذا بادر بتحميل البرنامج description
All icons are designed to give your cell phone a very nice look and feel.
Take a look of those too: http://bit.ly/JBYEYs
[B] 【What is included?】 [/ B]
✦310 Icons * + (Plus are daily Coning)
You can also request your icons on my email ID.
✦ huge library of custom icons
✦ 5 HD wallpapers
✦ fast action applies
✦ Five different background to the theme of your icons a theme.
[B] 【What can I use them in?】 [/ B]
✦ New Launcher
✦ Action Launcher Pro
✦ Apex Launcher
✦ ADW Launcher EX
✦ Atom Launcher
✦ Holo Launcher
✦ Smart Launcher
✦ Unicon (Icon Themer)
✦ TSF Shell
✦ Go Launcher EX (icon mask has a certain question)
✦ ADW Launcher
✦ Next launcher (icon mask has a certain question)
✦ probably
[B] 【Notes】 [/ B]
★ Regarding availability 'MovetoSD': If the app is moved to SD Card, you risk the custom icons not loading properly because of how the system loads the SD card or the topic is not active after a restart of the device.
CIRCLE ME for the latest AND MORE
Contact Us
For help or query please feel free to email me @ gmail.com @ binodray.net
Take a look of those too: http://bit.ly/JBYEYs
[B] 【What is included?】 [/ B]
✦310 Icons * + (Plus are daily Coning)
You can also request your icons on my email ID.
✦ huge library of custom icons
✦ 5 HD wallpapers
✦ fast action applies
✦ Five different background to the theme of your icons a theme.
[B] 【What can I use them in?】 [/ B]
✦ New Launcher
✦ Action Launcher Pro
✦ Apex Launcher
✦ ADW Launcher EX
✦ Atom Launcher
✦ Holo Launcher
✦ Smart Launcher
✦ Unicon (Icon Themer)
✦ TSF Shell
✦ Go Launcher EX (icon mask has a certain question)
✦ ADW Launcher
✦ Next launcher (icon mask has a certain question)
✦ probably
[B] 【Notes】 [/ B]
★ Regarding availability 'MovetoSD': If the app is moved to SD Card, you risk the custom icons not loading properly because of how the system loads the SD card or the topic is not active after a restart of the device.
CIRCLE ME for the latest AND MORE
Contact Us
For help or query please feel free to email me @ gmail.com @ binodray.net
0 تعليق على موضوع : افضل ثيمات عام 2014 SHADOW THEME APEX/NOVA/ADW/GO
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