بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
برنامج قبل عملية التجميل - تحميل برنامج One-Tap Makeover - برنامج تركيب الميكب - تركيب المكياج على الصور - اغرب برامج الموبيل للمرأة 2015
برنامج قبل عملية التجميل - تحميل برنامج One-Tap Makeover - برنامج تركيب الميكب - تركيب المكياج على الصور - اغرب برامج الموبيل للمرأة 2015

الوصـــــــــــــف :-
اليوم نعرض افضل واهم البرامج النسائية الذى حصل على افضل الجوائز العالمية من ناحية التصميم و الفوائد العملية كم امرأة حول العالم جربت ان تضع مكياج بطريقة مختلفة ولكن لم تنجح بسب عدم تماشى هذا الاستايل من المكياج مع شخصيتها وعندما تقوم بتجرب هذه العملية تسبب فى الاضرار الاتية :-
1- ضياع الوقت امام المرئاه (المرايه) لتجربة تركيب المكياج .
2- الاضرار الصحية التى تحصل عليها المرأة خلال تركيب المكياج اقصد التركيبات الكميائية الموجودة بالمكياج .
3- ضياع المسارى { اهدارالمال } ضياع المال فى شراء المكياج لتجربة الاستايل الجديد فى المكياج .
يستخدم برنامج Perfect365: One-Tap Makeover الذى يستخدمة اكثر من 1.3 مليار امرأة حول العالم نظراً لأهميتة العلمية والجسدية يستخدم هذا البرنامج فى تركيب المكايج بالطريقة الجديد (استايل جديد) ولكن ليس على نفسك بالبلدى كدا بدل ما تجربى المكياج على نفسك وتتسببى فى الاضرار المذكورة فى الاعلى هذا البرنامج بيتيح الفرصة انك تجربى اى مكياج انتى عوزاه عن طريق انك ترفعى صورة شخصية لكى وتجربى اى مكياج انتى عوزاه من غير ما تخسرى اى حاجة ولو الاستايل عجبك ممكن تجربية على نفسك من غير ما تخسرى اى شىء
مميزات اخرى للبرنامج :-
1- تغير قصة الشعر .
2- تغير لون العنين (العين) .
3- تغير لون الشعر .
4- تركيب اسناس بشكل مختلف .
5- تركيب مكياج .
6- يصلح للرجال والنساء .... والكثير اكتشفها بنفسك
لتفاصيل اكتر شاهد هذا الفيديو شرح استخدام البرنامج اضغط هنا
Touch up portraits on your smartphone with the world’s smartest, easiest-to-use virtual makeup app. Look luminous and flawless in your selfies and beauty portraits with Perfect365, your one-stop shop for magazine-worthy beauty portraits.
In just one tap, you can try on dozens of trendy preset makeup templates inspired by your favorite celebrities and the hottest beauty trends, or have fun customizing a unique style that’s all your own. Get the complexion of a model with tools that let you soften skin, banish blemishes, erase under-eye circles, whiten teeth and much more. You can even control the intensity of each effect, so no one but you has to know why you look better than ever.
Key features
-More than 20 powerful beauty tools let you customize like crazy!
-Banish blemishes
-Erase under-eye circles
-Brighten skin and eyes
-Soften complexion
-Whiten teeth
-Change eye color
-Shape eyebrows
-Try on new shades of eye shadow, lipstick and blush
-Try on different types of eyelashes and eyeliner
-Contour face
-Try on new hairstyles
-More than 20 powerful beauty tools let you customize like crazy!
-Banish blemishes
-Erase under-eye circles
-Brighten skin and eyes
-Soften complexion
-Whiten teeth
-Change eye color
-Shape eyebrows
-Try on new shades of eye shadow, lipstick and blush
-Try on different types of eyelashes and eyeliner
-Contour face
-Try on new hairstyles
Perfect365 is ideal for quick and natural-looking touch-ups, so you don’t have to stress about bad skin or makeup days. We all have them!
Browse our beautiful gallery of preset Hotstyle makeup templates that range from dewy and natural, to sun kissed and glowing, to vivid and head-turning, to red carpet classy.
Browse our beautiful gallery of preset Hotstyle makeup templates that range from dewy and natural, to sun kissed and glowing, to vivid and head-turning, to red carpet classy.
Choose your Hotstyle. Apply it in one tap. It’s that easy.
Choose your Hotstyle. Apply it in one tap. It’s that easy.
Perfect365 uses cutting edge technology to automatically and accurately detect the face in your photo, along with key facial points on the eyes, nose, and mouth regions. You can even adjust the key points yourself for perfect photo editing!
Perfect365 uses cutting edge technology to automatically and accurately detect the face in your photo, along with key facial points on the eyes, nose, and mouth regions. You can even adjust the key points yourself for perfect photo editing!
Save your enhanced photo to your camera roll, or share the amazing results with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You can also ask your friends to rate your looks!
Save your enhanced photo to your camera roll, or share the amazing results with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You can also ask your friends to rate your looks!
See why our users are head over heels for Perfect365
"I'm absolutely in love with this app. I never ever write reviews but I had to for this app. All of my friends have it and were all obsessed! I'm never wearing makeup again hahah I wish this app was around in my awkward high school phase! SPECTACULAR APP, a definite must have!"
"Best app for photos. I can take a pic with no makeup and in seconds make it look like I sat in a chair with a makeup artist for hours! Love it!"
"Just awesome! A+++ - Love playing with this app. Amazing!!! You can make yourself look younger, add eye makeup, whiten your teeth, add blush, eyelashes etc. oh and you can make your face thinner. A+++"
"I've touched-up all my business photos to look younger! And you can try different looks with make-up to see how you eyes look best and etc!!! I've learned a lot...Thanks"
"Extremely good - Most natural effect among all make up apps"
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