بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تعد لعبة القطط الغاضبة من اشيق الالعاب الخاصة بالأندرويد وذلك لكثرة المتعة الموجودة فى هذة اللعبة حيث تقوم برمى القطط على الكلاب وكذلك على العقبات التى تواجهك لذلك لا تترد فى الوصول الى اعلى مستوى لرمى القطط وهناك عدة مستويات كلما انجزت مستوى تنتقل الى المستوى الأخر
60 المستويات. 5 أنواع من القطط. أعداء الكلب مختلفة.
الكثير من المرح
الكثير من المرح
Angry Cats is an amazing physics-based game for Android! Throw different types of cats and try to smash the dogs and their obstacles. Every cat has a particular skill. Play with cluster-grenade cats, kamikaze cats, ninja cats, or even fat, high-density cats. Enjoy four different scenarios including: Night, City, Desert, and Snow.
Angry Cats also has some nice power-ups: Extra Cat, Bigger Cats, and Cat Air Strike. Use them to annihilate those happy dogs and score lots of points.
What are you waiting for? Start playing Angry Cats now!Features:
- 60 levels.
- 5 types of cats.
- Different dog enemies.
- 4 scenarios.
- Free power-ups option!
- Lots of fun!
Angry Cats also has some nice power-ups: Extra Cat, Bigger Cats, and Cat Air Strike. Use them to annihilate those happy dogs and score lots of points.
What are you waiting for? Start playing Angry Cats now!Features:
- 60 levels.
- 5 types of cats.
- Different dog enemies.
- 4 scenarios.
- Free power-ups option!
- Lots of fun!
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